Writing is a way for me to get my thoughts and experiences into black and white so I can ponder and revisit them, much like Professor Dumbledore’s pensieve in the Harry Potter books. By writing down my impressions on an issue or idea, I can discover how I truly feel about it and resolve to specific actions that may be needed.
Encouragement from a friend can do wonders. One of my political friends in our city has been asking me to start one for a while now, especially in light of my election last September to the Utah County Republican Party’s Constitution & Bylaws Committee. He encouraged me to share my thoughts on political things so that others could learn from my perspective and experiences. Gosh, that’s a bit embarrassing, but I am grateful.
Never having done much computer technical stuff beyond using my email, I look forward to learning the logistics of making an effective “web log”. I recall teaching myself Basic programming during elementary school on our old TI-99, and I aced all of my high school computer classes. But somewhere between college and my current state of motherhood, I focused elsewhere and now the computer scene is fairly Greek to me. What a great opportunity to learn something new!
Discussing political issues is really fun. I know this is kind of weird compared to a lot of homemakers, but I like it. I don’t necessarily like the modern style of debating, the “I’m right, you’re wrong, and I’m going to prove it” type sort of discussions. But I do enjoy making connections to history or my past experience and discovering political principles that seem to apply, sharing these thoughts with others, and listening to others for their perspectives on issues. You know how some personality types, such as introverts or extroverts, are defined by how they get their energy? Well, I get a lot of energy from ideas – thinking and discussing ideas. So, I look forward to any discussions that this blog may prompt.
I want to improve my political thinking and writing skills. Practice makes perfect. And honestly, all of my political studies and writings up till now are scattered across countless journals, notebooks, emails, note cards, handwritten notes in margins of books, etc. Besides commenting on current studies or issues, I also hope to eventually track down all of these past writings and by posting them to the blog, see ways that my writing and thinking have changed, hopefully for the better.
So, thanks for reading and hopefully we’ll have fun in the upcoming months reading, writing, and thinking together!!!
Bye for now!
~ Wendi