I am sure the stories of all the arm-twisting, vote-buying, and manipulating could fill a book even larger than the almost two thousand page bill.
One part of this article, stuck near the very end, caught my eye:
Now Obama will have to sell the bill to the public, and a White House aide said he was likely to take at least one trip this weekend to emphasize the legislation's benefits.Compare that quote with the one near the beginning of the article stated by Obama himself:
The absolutely brazen arrogance and downright obstinate blindness of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and other Democratic leaders just blows my mind. (I was about to write something awfully strong and not very nice, but I figured it wouldn't do much good to be vitriolic.)"This is what change looks like," Obama said later in televised remarks that stirred memories of his 2008 campaign promise of "change we can believe in."
"We proved that this government _ a government of the people and by the people _ still works for the people."
Thank heavens elections are coming up again in November!