Friday, February 26, 2010

Do What Is Right - Let the Consequence Follow

I admit that Governor Herbert has quite a bit more background knowledge and resources than I have on the SB 11 states' gun rights issue. That being said, I have read the bill and it seems exactly something that we need to start getting the federal government off of our backs and out of our pockets.

The last I've heard from online buzz and radio buzz, this bill has passed both houses (Senate: 19-10-0; House: 56-17-2) and now it's on Governor Herbert's desk to sign. I've also heard that he is getting a TON of persuasion to veto it, based on fears of a court challenge, etc.

So, finally this morning I figured I needed to let my voice be heard and I emailed our Governor about this specific issue. Here's the email I wrote:


Dear Governor Herbert,

As a citizen of Utah and an active leader in the Utah County Republican Party, I ask you to please sign SB 11 Utah Firearms Freedom Act. This is a time to act out of faith, not react out of fear.

Please consider the following chorus to a song you may recognize:

Do what is right;
Let the consequence follow.
Battle for freedom in spirit and might;
And with stout hearts look ye forth till tomorrow.
God will protect you;
Then do what is right.

("Do What Is Right", Hymns No. 237.)

I know that God will not only protect you but Utah as well if you choose to act out of faith and principle instead of reacting out of fear and expediency. May God bless you in your service to our state and country.


Wendi J. Baggaley
Leg. 56 Education Officer
Vice Chair, UCRP Constitution & Bylaws Committee


If you want to learn more about this issue and email or call Governor Herbert yourself, please check out the following links:

SB 11 main page from the Utah State Legislature website

Governor Herbert's email:

Governor Herbert's answering service: 801-538-1000

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