Thursday, June 18, 2009

Motherhood and Politics - Part 1

Merilee Baggaley, my wonderful mother-in-law, gave me One Bright Shining Hope: Messages for Women from Gordon B. Hinckley for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. I like to flip open to any page and read something every morning. This is the message on page 132:

"The true strength that is America's, the true strength of any nation, lies in those qualities of character that have been acquired for the most part by children taught in the quiet, simple, everyday manner of mothers. What Jean Paul Richter once declared of fathers is even more true of mothers - and I paraphrase it just a little to make the point - "What a mother says to her children is not heard by the world, but it will be heard by posterity."

Wow! Yes! I wholeheartedly agree!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

love the quote! and love the background!