Tomorrow night is the Central Committee Meeting and the biennial Legislative District Elections
for the Utah County Republican Party. [Translation: All Republican Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs etc. in the county will be choosing their leaders at the Legislative District Level - the same geographic areas in which we choose legislators for the Utah State House of Representatives.]
At this meeting, the Central Committee also elects the 7 members of the County Constitution & Bylaws Committee and the 5 members of the County Audit Committee.
Two years ago I ran for and was elected a member of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee. I learned so very much over the past two years! (Perhaps I could do a future post on some of the lessons I've learned.) Now that I've been involved for some time, I see so much work that needs to be done to clarify and "tighten up" our bylaws. I also see a great need for improved education about the bylaws among our Central Committee members. There has been so much unnecessary contention within our party that I believe could be avoided with better education and clearer rules.
So, I am running both for the Education Officer for Leg. District 56 and for a second term on the Constitution & Bylaws Committee!
Honestly, I'm super excited about the work there is to be done, but also a little trepidatious. I know that this is a huge time commitment that I'm getting into and that it will require a lot more personal effort to balance this work with my most important responsibility of being a wife and a mother (not to mention my other roles as sister, daughter, friend, neighbor, primary chorister, etc.)
But I didn't take these steps without first asking for and receiving guidance from my Heavenly Father. Since He knows that I can do it with His help, then I just need to move forward in faith and do my best and things will work out for good. I'm not going to do everything perfectly, and in fact, I'm sure I'm going to fall flat on my face at least a few times if not more. But I'm trying to get really good at saying "I'm sorry" and getting back up and trying again, so that's got to count for something too. Thank heavens for the blessing of repentance!
It also helps that my wonderful Michael supports me 100% and has been praying for me in our family prayers lately that I'll be able to make it through this election without too much stress and that I'll be able to continue to serve and be an influence for good. Wow! Where would I be without him????!!!!
Well, family & friends, pray for me if you would. Our family's off to another new adventure "one day more!"
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