Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Legislative District 56 Education Officer

[Note: This is the text of an email I sent out tonight to all Utah County Republican Party Central Committee members in my Legislative District.]

Hello District 56 Central Committee Members,

I am running for election as the Education Officer in Leg. District 56 in addition to running for the Constitution & Bylaws Committee. Our former Education Officer, Jeff Ray, resigned earlier this year and I was appointed to take his place.

For the last four months I have enjoyed working with our County Education Officer, Adrielle Herring, and the other Legislative Education Officers in our county. We have met multiple times to develop education priorities for our county, suggest content for the new website, and carry out a Needs Analysis Survey in preparation for the Sept 9th Legislative Officer Training. We are also preparing some county-wide tools for the Legislative Officers to use in their Precinct Caucus Training and New Precinct Officer Training early next year.

I ask for your vote on Thursday evening so I may continue to represent the education needs of our district at the county level and,work with our Legislative District team to educate, organize, and mobilize Republican and Republican-leaning voters within our district.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have. I look forward to working with you!


Wendi Baggaley

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