Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wendi Baggaley – Email 2 of 2 (Constitution & Bylaw Committee Issues)

[Note: This is the text of another email I sent out today to all 550+ members of the Utah County Republican Party Central Committee.]

Hi again!

As I mentioned in my introductory email, my name is Wendi Baggaley and I ask for your vote on August 27th for the Utah County Republican Party Constitution & Bylaws Committee. This email will focus on some issues facing the Utah County Republican Party and my plans for addressing those issues on the Constitution & Bylaws Committee.

Any member of the Central Committee may propose changes to our governing documents. The purpose of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee is to act as a guardian of these important documents. As a current member of this committee, I have the duty to help each sponsor prepare the best language possible before their amendment goes to the Executive Committee for review and then to the Central Committee for a binding vote, regardless of my personal bias. I trust that the Central Committee can and will make the best decisions for the Utah County Republican Party. I also strongly feel it is the duty of our county party leadership to abide by those decisions.

It has been encouraging to see the recent increase in activism within our Central Committee. During the first year of my term only a handful of proposals were submitted for consideration. During this past year, that number has multiplied four-fold. I believe these proposals to our bylaws reflect changing needs in our county party. I also believe the Constitution & Bylaws Committee must adjust to meet these needs. My action plan for the upcoming term includes:

** Communication & Technology: Using modern technology (new county website, social networks, etc.) to increase effective discussion of bylaw issues before they come to the Central Committee for a vote.

** Constitution & Bylaw Committee Procedures: Adopting a consistent numbering and formatting system for amendment proposals; establishing regularly scheduled and publicly announced committee meetings; and publishing agendas and minutes of committee meetings on the county party website.

** Parliamentary Procedure: Proposing a bylaw amendment to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (10th edition) as the parliamentary authority for the Utah County Republican Party.

** Delegate Allocation: Drafting a revision of Bylaws 1 and 2 to include alternate delegates, increased clarity and transparency of delegate allocation, a procedure to challenge a precinct’s delegate allocation prior to caucus meetings, clearer procedures for combined or split precincts, and affirmation of the contribution of ex officio delegates including Precinct Chairs and Vice Chairs.

I believe that progress toward these goals will result in greater transparency, effectiveness, and harmony among our county party’s governing bodies. Greater unity will allow us to collectively focus our time and energy on sharing our message of conservative solutions with our neighbors and communities.

Please plan to attend the Central Committee Meeting on August 27th, 7:00 p.m., at Lakeridge Jr. High School in Orem, Utah. More information about this meeting is available at .

Again, I would love to earn your vote for the Utah County Republican Party Constitution & Bylaws Committee. If you have questions or thoughts you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me at home or by email.

I look forward to serving you!

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